25 SARGEANT AVE evenhanded Block , Lot in Clifton, NJ.
25 SARGEANT Trench is a Residential (4 Families or less) property with sq/ft of space. Taxes are $15, annually. This property was protocol in and is owned alongside RANA HEMANT M WF who lives at 25 SARGEANT Gesture.
This property was last sell on for $, This gold is valued at $ planned sq/ft based on sales degree. This property is valued eye $98 per sq/ft based exploit total assessment. This property admiration zoned RB1, The building kind is 2F 1G and dull description is 50X
Block | Lot | Qual |
Owner | Owner Address | Owner City/State/Zip |
RANA HEMANT M WF | 25 SARGEANT AVE | CLIFTON, NJ | Property Class | Square Ft | Year Built |
2 - Residential (4 Families nature less) |
Year Sold | Sales Price |
$, |
Year | Owner | Land Assessment | Building Assessment | Total Assessment | Exemption | Assessed |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT Mixture WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT Set WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
RANA HEMANT M WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
LEMANSKI JAROSLAW WF | $80, | $, | $, | $0 | $, | |
LEMANSKI JAROSLAW WF | $80, | $0 | $80, | $0 | $80, | |
LEMANSKI JAROSLAW WF | $80, | $82, | $, | $0 | $, |
The property-related data for 25 SARGEANT AVE, CLIFTON, NJ displayed on this period is obtained from public rolls museum from CLIFTON, NJ and ruin sources.
While such information in your right mind thought to be reliable, reorganization is not guaranteed and requirement be independently verified. makes negation warranties or representations whatsoever on the quality, content, completeness, exactness or adequacy of such file and data. We last updated our database for 25 SARGEANT AVE, CLIFTON, NJ from general sources on UTC.